
Webuddha, Inc.

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Overview: Webbuddah, Inc. is at the forefront of WHMCS functionality enhancement, with their flagship products wbTeamPro and wbTimeLog. These solutions are pivotal for agencies employing time-based billing, as they offer sophisticated project management and time tracking capabilities.


  • wbTeamPro: This powerful project management tool, fully integrated with WHMCS, simplifies task coordination, milestone tracking, and comprehensive project management.
  • wbTimeLog: A perfect complement to wbTeamPro, wbTimeLog ensures meticulous time tracking, crucial for precise billing and efficiency analysis in projects where time is of the essence.

Significance: Webbuddah's offerings are instrumental in refining agency workflows, combining precision with efficiency. Their tools are indispensable for agencies that value fair and transparent billing for their time-intensive services, thereby enhancing client trust and satisfaction.

Contribution to AgencyPortal: Webbuddah, Inc. plays a significant role in the AgencyPortal ecosystem. Their innovative solutions make it largely possible for us to advocate for and implement time-based billing systems. Their dedication to improving operational processes aligns with our mission to make WHMCS more accessible and effective for marketing agencies.

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